Igniting Campus Revival

We love telling the story of Jesus and praying for revival on campuses across the nation.

With Jesus, we release college students into the great adventure of following Him.

 We want to see students on college campuses encounter Jesus nationwide in listening prayer and begin to pray on their own campuses for worldwide revival.

Our Story

How It All Started

It was 4:30 in the morning and Pastor Tim was walking a driveway on a ranch near Pensacola, Florida. As he prepared to speak to a ministry school, the Lord began to speak to his heart about a revival that He wanted to send to the college and university campuses of our nation. He also told Pastor Tim that he had a part to play in what He wanted to do. For the past thirteen years Pastor Tim has been pursuing God and doing his assignments on behalf of university and college students.

An Outreach Like No Other

During spring break Pastor Tim had the privilege of attending Beach Reach at Panama City Beach, Florida. In the afternoons he and the team offered Free Prayer for students on Panama City Beach. Many Christian and non-Christian students dropped by for prayer. Many students that came for prayer identified themselves as atheists or non-religious people.  Jesus loves to show himself real to people so that the lost can be found!

Ignite the Fire

It was at that Beach Reach in 2013 that Pastor Tim got a glimpse of seeing what the Lord is going to be doing on college campuses all across the nation.

Through listening prayer, the Lord wants to show students how real He is, to have Jesus encounters, and to experience how following Jesus is the adventure of a lifetime.

Join us for our next phase of listening prayer on college campuses nationwide!

The name 'Campus Thirst' was inspired by Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well in the gospel of John, chapter four. 

In the book of John, Jesus meets a woman at the well outside her village. As they talk, Jesus tells her things about herself that no stranger would ever know.

She is so shocked and amazed that she runs back to the village to tell everyone about Jesus.

Within our logo is a water droplet, representing Jesus as the Water of Life from the story in John, chapter 4. The top of the water droplet is orange to signify our desire for revival and a spirit of adventuring with Jesus to spread on every college campus throughout the nation.

The fire and water and one in the same because the Holy Spirit (the flame) and Jesus (the Water of Life) are one, two parts of the Trinity along with God the Father.

Through listening prayer and sharing things that only Jesus would know about college students, we hope that campuses will come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Meet Our Founders

Pastor Tim Jones
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Pastor Jeremy Embry
Co-Founder & Director of Operations

Pastor Tim Jones

Co-Founder and Executive Director of Campus Thirst
Pastor Tim, dubbed PT for short, is a generously-aged man most often adorned in a plaid flannel shirt and accompanied by young adults.

PT was a campus minister at Florida State University for over 16 years, hence the passion to see revival on university and college campuses. PT's mission is to help people, particularly students know Jesus as Savior and Lord through listening prayer.

Pastor Jeremy Embry

Co-Founder and Director of Operations of Campus Thirst

Pastor Jeremy Embry

Co-Founder and Director of Operations of Campus Thirst
Pastor Jeremy Embry has a heart for non-profits, the church and other para-church ministries.

With his administrative mind, he is analytical, dynamic and results-focused. He possesses an intense passion to help focus strategic direction of organizations, keeping their eyes on driving progress and success. 

Put simply, if you want to start or navigate the waters of a non-profit, Jeremy is your man.

He also loves listening prayer and enjoys praying for others!
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